Tag Archive | Windows Phone 8.1 leaks

And this is how ‘Start Screen Backgrounds’ in Windows Phone 8.1 will look like !

After Cortana, it’s time for another cool feature from Windows Phone 8.1 ‘Start Screen Backgrounds‘. Till date there has been a confusion about the implementation of ‘Start Screen Backgrounds’ in WP8.1 but that’s until today because today’s leaks have revealed and confirmed what it will be like .. courtesy Tom Warren.

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Additional WP8.1 features revealed – more screenshots, more info !

The leaks are pouring in & this is our 5th post pertaining to WP8.1 leaks. Find the links of our WP8.1 coverage so far at bottom.

Here we start with some new screenshots and make sure you look for additional info at the bottom.

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Rumor – ‘Swype style keyboard’ & a ‘new Tile Size (large)’ coming with Windows Phone 8.1 update

A few strong rumors in the market point at arrival of a new Tile Size and Swype-style keyboard in the upcoming Windows Phone OS update (WP 8.1).

Both these rumors come from pretty reliable sources & read as below.

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Windows Phone 8.1 – A look at the upcoming separate volume controls & more !

Windows Phone 8.1 is being cited as a major update to the Windows Phone platform bringing in several improvements in the form of Notification Center, Cortana (personal voice assistant) and many more.

One among those improvements is the introduction of separate volume controls for ‘Ringtone/Notifications’ & ‘Media/Apps’ and it seems that the 100% confirmed screenshot of the above feature has just been leaked (by WPbar) & looks something like below.

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Alleged screenshot reveal Windows Phone 8.1 ‘Notification settings hub’ !

Take this with a grain of salt as there is not much confirmation on this however we feel that the screenshot is infact real and matches with the report released yesterday and which we covered in our post at the below link.

Windows Phone 8.1 features leaked – Notification Center, Cortana & more incoming !

A screenshot was leaked earlier today by WMPU and which claims to be the settings hub for Windows Phone 8.1 Notification center. How much this is true ? .. Let’s find out.

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