Archive | February 19, 2014

Nokia updates ‘storage check’ too – bug fixes in tow !

Nokia at work – Along with the update to ‘touch’ utility, Nokia has also updated it system app ‘storage check‘ with bug fixes.

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Nokia updates ‘touch’ system-app with ability to control haptic-feedback off hardware keys

Have you ever felt annoyed with your phone’s vibration while pressing the back button or the windows button or the search button ? .. Yes ? .. you have a relief coming your way right from Nokia.

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Video – Demo of ‘Action Center’ in WP 8.1

Much so far has leaked about the ‘Action Center‘ in Windows Phone 8.1 courtesy the WP8.1 developer SDK except a Video and here we have the first video of it in action. Action Center is nothing but the notification center. Check out below.

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