Rumor – ‘Swype style keyboard’ & a ‘new Tile Size (large)’ coming with Windows Phone 8.1 update

A few strong rumors in the market point at arrival of a new Tile Size and Swype-style keyboard in the upcoming Windows Phone OS update (WP 8.1).

Both these rumors come from pretty reliable sources & read as below.

First, Tom Warren from The Verge speaks about the Swype-style keyboard and later in a comment confirms it.

Swype Style keyboard in Windows Phone 8.1

Swype Style keyboard in Windows Phone 8.1 image 1

Swype representation on Android (for reference)

Swype keyboard on Android

Second one comes from Nawzil (Ex-Microsoft employee)

New Live Tile Size Windows Phone 8.1

What are your thoughts ? Would you love to have a Swype-style keyboard and a Large Tile Size in the next update ?

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About jills4824

Mech Engineer working in an Automobile OEM who loves phones (Nokia) too much & cars not much :)

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